Article Four, Delegates, Section 4: Election Supervisors


In March of each year in which there will be an election of Delegates by the Members, or by a date no less than 90 days before nominations are set to open, whichever is earlier, the Executive Director shall appoint a national elections supervisor whose role shall be to oversee and certify the fairness of the Delegates elections in each station area and to confirm said elections' compliance with these Bylaws. The national elections supervisor shall also oversee the nominations process, the preparation of the ballots and the counting of the ballots and shall prepare a written statement reporting the results of every election for distribution to the Members or posting on the Foundation's and radio station's websites. To be eligible for appointment to the position of the national elections supervisor, said person shall not be an employee of the Foundation or any Foundation radio station or a Delegate, Officer, or Director of the Foundation or any LSB, or a radio station staff member, paid or unpaid. The national elections supervisor should be experienced with election procedures and supervision and preferably recommended by an organization experienced in elections procedures and supervision. The national elections supervisor does not have to be a Member of the Foundation. Upon the completion of, and certification of the results for, all of the elections, the national elections supervisor's term shall end.


In preparation for an election of Delegates, the National Elections Supervisor shall appoint, subject to approval of the Executive Director, a local election supervisor for each Foundation radio station area. A local elections supervisor may not be an employee of the Foundation or any Foundation radio station or a Delegate, Officer, or Director of the Foundation or any LSB, or a radio station staff member, paid or unpaid. The local elections supervisors preferably should be experienced with election procedures and supervision. Under the direction and supervision of the National Elections Supervisor, each local election supervisor shall coordinate the elections of the Delegates for the radio station area to which s/he is assigned to ensure a fair election in compliance with the terms of these Bylaws. His/her duties shall include preparing a nomination petition form for use by all potential nominees, reviewing each potential candidate's nomination papers for eligibility and completeness, overseeing the preparation and distribution of the election ballot, closing the election, and counting and assisting with ballot counting, as requested. To assist him/her in the conduct and oversight of the election, each local elections supervisor may appoint a committee of volunteer Members, all of which volunteer Members the local elections supervisor must, in good faith and in his/her sole discretion, believe to be neutral individuals. Said committee shall consist of that number of volunteer Members the local elections supervisor deems necessary. The local elections supervisors do not have to be Members of the Foundation. Upon the completion of, and certification of the results for, the elections s/he supervised, each local elections supervisor's term shall end.